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February 26, 2020

Brief message

I would just like to mention that two new features were added to the blog a week ago. Now you can follow it directly via e-mail: every time I post something, you will receive that whole post in your inbox. To subscribe, enter your e-mail and click Submit. That will open up a pop-up where you need to tick a Captcha and accept the subscription. Then, go into your inbox for the activation e-mail and click on the provided link. Also, you can contact me directly with the message form on the right. That message goes directly to my inbox.

Secondly, if any of you have trouble commenting on my posts, please try to do so in another internet browser or send me an e-mail. Blogger has been having some trouble with embedded comments in the last year. Even I cannot comment on my own posts in Firefox! But, I can do it in Chrome and on my smartphone.

I would also like to mention that I've spent last night editing the Wikipedia page for Pat & Mat. I've added information about the 50th episode and some other details and also cleared up some misinformation that was there, for instance the origin of Pat and Mat's names. To anyone who stumbled upon this blog from Wikipedia, welcome!

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