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September 19, 2020

2018-20 animation credits

Martin Kublák working on Plot in 2018 (source:

As I' ve mentioned in a few other posts, a list of animators on the 2018-20 episodes would be useful for future reference, so here it is. These episodes all have the same group animator credits (with all the Czech and Chinese animators listed on every episode), which are annoying when you want to see which people worked on which episode exactly. The credit usually goes:
Animation: Jan Smrčka, Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly, Wang Peipei, Xiang Weiwei, Li Xiangyuan, Yu Huagong, Xiao Xieliang
Martin Kublák, seen above, appears in the credits on seven episodes from 2018, but worked on only one of them, Plot. The group credit means that it is impossible to discover anything purposeful about the styles of various animators in the Chinese Steamworks studio. When it comes to style, though, I can see Steamworks' animators mostly tried to copy Jan Smrčka's animation and presumably watched a lot of his Venkovĕ episodes. Steamworks did their jobs well enough that 'ordinary' viewers won't spot many differences between their and Czech works, but we are not ordinary viewers. So, I've produced a list of 'who animated what' on these episodes. Unfortunately, for Steamworks' animators, I can only write the name of the studio, not the animators involved. Of course, this is all guesswork (albeit educated, experienced guesswork based on many instances of watching the episodes), so please report any inaccuracies if you find them. I have already gone through this list with a reader of the blog (Buurman) and none were found, so I am not expecting any. For episodes with multiple known animators, screenshots are included. AMP is short for Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly. The animator credits have been added to my episode list. Thanks to Buurman for all of his help in making this post.

  • Včely – Steamworks
  • Sekačka – Steamworks
  • Krtek – Jan Smrčka, Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly, Steamworks; Smrčka does the scenes in front of the fence, while Mensdorff does those on the houses set. Steamworks was given a 20-second sequence inside the workshop.


  • Plot – Martin Kublák, Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly, Jan Smrčka. I originally wrote a summary of the scenes allocation (The scenes where part of the house is visible are mostly by AMP. The rest is by Kublák or Smrčka. Thanks to reader Buurman for starting discussions on this episode, as he made me realize Smrčka, in fact, takes over from Kublák. Smrčka's first shot is from 5:29 to 5:34. It is followed by Kublák's final scenes, which end at 6:14.), but decided that it's best to present the scenes in video form as there are couple of surprises and three Czech animators working on one episode happens extremely rarely. Unfortunately, uploading the animator breakdown video is very difficult due to copyright restrictions, so this is how I have to do it.

AMP doing one of his scenes in this episode
  • Ucpaný komín – Steamworks
  • Elektrárna – Steamworks
  • Skalka – Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly
  • Rodeo – Steamworks, Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly; AMP does 30 seconds of footage in front of the houses (0:12-0:28, 0:35-0:49).

  • Kolotoč – Steamworks
  • Myčka – Jan Smrčka
  • Odpad – Steamworks, Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly; AMP does the scenes outside, in front of the houses.

  • Schody – Steamworks
  • Kamera – Steamworks, Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly; AMP does the scenes on the road side of the houses. The scenes in the backyard and the rest are by Steamworks.

Steamworks - and a big error!
  • Kalamita – Steamworks
  • Vánoční světýlka – Steamworks
  • Sauna – Jan Smrčka, Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly (just the scenes in front of the houses)


  • Betlém – Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly, Jan Smrčka; Mensdorff-Pouilly, apart from appearing as an in-joke in the episode, also animates most of it. Jan Smrčka did the scenes with Mat in the part of the floor left to the kitchen. These are scenes with Mat cutting corn, operating the iron machine etc. (Smrčka's first scene starts at 3:27). I don't know who does the scenes with the corn dolls being thrown to the cupboard, but I believe it is Smrčka. The cupboard appears in both animators' scenes. Here are a few oddities animation-wise: the scene by AMP starting at 5:57 features a mistake that is pretty much the opposite of a kind we discuss in the minutiae posts. Instead of an unwanted object appearing in the frame, the rolling pin prop here disappears for about a second! Also, Smrčka does a flying hat take and you know I love those.

AMP animating himself
Smrčka joins in
scenes I can't atrribute with confidence

  • Stromeček – In the most obvious of shifts, Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly animates everything up to 5:53, at which point Steamworks takes over.

  • Dárky – Steamworks, Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly; AMP is given very little to do here and he animates only the shots in front of the houses, so 2:59-3:23 (not counting the shot of the iron inside) and 3:53-4:00.


  • Silvestr – Steamworks
  • Novoroční přání – Steamworks
  • Bramborový salát – Steamworks
  • Kapr – Steamworks
  • Perníková chaloupka – Steamworks
  • Ledovka – Steamworks
  • Iglú– Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly, Jan Smrčka; Jan Smrčka animates all the scenes taking place inside of the house, except for the scene at 5:06, which is, like the rest of the episode, by AMP and which features an appearance of an unwanted object in the frame. Look at the lower right corner. This small mistake was fixed in the movie version of the episode. Interestingly, AMP uses quite a lot of twos in this episode compared to his preferred ones, mostly due to the snow.


movie version
  • Palačinky – Jan Smrčka
  • Létající stroj – Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly, Jan Smrčka; Smrčka only does the scenes inside the house, 1:09-1:40

  • Popcorn – Steamworks
  • Nábytek – Steamworks
  • Automyčka – Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly
  • Sklizeň – Steamworks
  • Fotopast – Steamworks
  • Barbecue – Steamworks
  • Potrubní pošta – Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly, Jan Smrčka; Mensdorff-Pouilly does all of the interior scenes, while Jan Smrčka does all of the exterior scenes (the houses set). Look out for another object in the lower right corner.


  • Výroba ledu – Steamworks
  • Pizza – Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly
  • Chleba – Steamworks
  • Garážová vrata – Jan Smrčka


  1. I guess since no one is commenting on this post I might as well give an update on my findings for the Fox Kids version of Pat & Mat. I was able to to find two new episodes on a Korean website, the first was Dielňa which remained unchanged. The second was Gramofón which had cut out the scene where Mat irons a record trying to straighten it, and another scene where Pat & Mat put a record on a blender and attempt to shorten it with a knife. I've also found a Czech commercial advertising the series airing on Fox Kids which showed clips of other episodes.

    1. Czech Fox kids commercial

  2. will you do more posts?

    1. Did I say I was done? I am just short of time to post here at the moment. There are several things on the way, but I am to busy right now, unfortunately.

    2. "A Je to..." was shown on SBS (Special Broadcast Service) in Australia in the mid 1980's I think. There's a link to some information here:

  3. I think you probably already know this but still, I found that the old studio address of aiF Zürich is still on Google maps,8.4781343,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x47900b749e3b05a5:0x4bf50bbdd580bea3!8m2!3d47.4155219!4d8.480323 obviously the studio isn't there anymore, but I thought I'd still share this with you.

    1. I am not surprised to see just a regular residential street. If it isn't clear, it should be said that no production was ever done in Zurich. It is just where Vladimir Rott, the global distributor, lived.

    2. Speaking of which did aiF have a studio in the United States or is it just faulty memory? Because Wikipedia claims that Pat & Mat aired in the United States on Cartoon Network, YTV in Canada, ABC in Australia etc. Though I can't find anything online about the series supposedly airing on those channels in those countries.

    3. I have no information about the series airing in the US or Australia, but it definitely aired in Canada. I've seen a tape of an airing of Korčule there from 1987 or so on YouTube. I can't find it at the moment. As for aiF in the US, there was apparently the "AIF USA" company, but I would be really surprised if that company consisted of more than one person (the person again most likely being Rott). It was there just for distribution. There was no studio, of course.

    4. YTV launched in 1987 so that would mean Pat & Mat was one of the original programs airing on the channel's launch. I'll try to find that recording you mentioned though so far I haven't found anything other than various sources stating it aired on the channel at some point. Though the problem is that if Pat & Mat aired on YTV in the mid 80s, there's a good chance it wasn't called "Pat & Mat" (since this would be before 1989) or "A Je To!" but instead it got renamed to something completely different as was common for a fair amount of foreign properties at the time. Also another thing,considering that the series supposedly aired in the US and Australia as a part of a bigger program/segments showing off foreign shows and pilots/pitches for would-be future series on the respective networks, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same case in Canada.

    5. I believe I've found it Pat & Mat also aired on the French Canadian channel TVJQ which is where that clip of Korčule comes from. It seems to be the identical to the original Czech broadcasts I'm guess it might have been the same on YTV, the air date of the episode is July 11th 1988 which is really late in the channel's operation span, since it closed on September 1st of the same year.

  4. You Blog it is good. I am wait for anoter minitae

  5. I think that in the episode Drain, the sequence 2:30 - 2:36 is animated by Jan Smrčka.

    1. You may be right here. Mat sprints from one part of the car to the other very much like Smrčka. Still, his poses around 2:37 look more like Mensdorff.

    2. You're right. The 2:37 pose is probably Mensdorff's.

  6. In Silvestr,
    1. What is that unknown animator who render fireworks at 7:13 in YouTube?
    2. Why there's a extra orange cup with straw white lid for Mat, (Pat used the orange cup with straw and no lid in episode Rodeo, Schody, and Kamera)?
    3. What beverage is in the orange cup with straw?

    1. 1. These are digital effects, not in the domain of regular animators. 2. Continuity is not Streamworks' strength. 3. In the old episodes, you could see beer, but that's not kid friendly. It can be whatever you want it to be.

    2. Actually, the beverage that two guys drinking is actually a slushy or shake from the Automat machine. The difference is the cup is color orange instead of black back from the episode Automat and contain straw which is visible and a lid for the another cup that is doon to be drink by Mat.

    3. Also, I mention in the same episode, Pat's beret fly upward. This is done when the last rocket light up from a candle. Here is the link 6:48 on the video

  7. I think that in the episode Kamera (worst episode ever!), the sequence 6:57 - 7:14 is animated by Jan Smrčka.

  8. I think that in episode Krtek, Jan Smrčka also animates the sequences 5:12 - 5:15 and 5:20 - 5:24. Houses appear in these scenes.


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