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December 31, 2020

A je to on Croatian television, 1985

I just love thinking of new places to look for hidden gems and immediately striking gold, that is finding something new in my different researches. I was browsing the digital archive of Split’s paper Slobodna Dalmacija (Free Dalmatia, once an important and respected newspaper, today an also-ran) for something unrelated when it struck me – in the many years of its circulation, Pat and Mat were surely featured at some time, right? So, I set off on my search. But, the search function of the site is very clunky and completely useless for multi-word entries. What to do? Of course, search for BENEŠ. After various references about Czechoslovak president Edvard and Croatian boxer Marijan, I found mention of a certain L(j)ubomir Beneš on a page of the December 6, 1985 edition:

Here’s the article enlarged:

Translated, it reads: 

“It’s how it is"

On Sundays, at 19 o’clock, in the animated shorts slate on Channel 1, among others, we watch a puppet series whose original title is “It’s how it is”. The series was made by the television in Bratislava, and is directed by Lubomir Beneš, who also wrote many of the episodes, together with Jiri Kubiček. Two heroes, two neighbors, try to convince us that there are no unsolvable problems, although the way in which they do that seems to tell us otherwise.

The somewhat misguided translation of the original is amusing. The correct Croatian translation would be “(i) to je to” (i.e. “(and) that’s it”), which is even occasionally used nowadays. But, the real reason I am dedicating a post to the article is the publicity shot from Zahrádka. It’s – quite strange!

Everyone who has watched the episode (and I recently went through it in my minutiae series – on halt at the moment) knows we seem to have two Pats, which does not make much sense. Is it from an alternate universe where the episode is extended? After making a huge garden gnome, do Pat and Mat decide to make plaster replicas of their own selves and are not trapped as we are led to believe?

Pat is positioned quite suspiciously. Maybe that’s actually Pat’s evil twin (who can, of course, only be named Rat) who has escaped from prison to trap his brother in plaster and take over his free, peaceful cottage life along with fellow felony Tat. Maybe (I’d say, probably) the picture is cropped, so we won’t know the rest of it until we discover the original in another unexpected place. Slobodna is also missing many publication years on its archive for the time being. It’s how it is…


  1. Well to be honest its Pat & Mat's fault for getting into this trap they should've bought hard hats and anti-cement attack gear from Merkur, after all remember "Merkur: Naj zmaga boljši!"

  2. Perhaps Pat somehow got out of the back without disturbing the front of his "concrete statue" and he is trying to save Mat. I don't know, maybe this photo is not complete in this newspaper and there is Mat somewhere.

  3. Gotta say that this is the best thing I've found in recent years when it comes to Pat a Mat. There is one thing that I find a bit lacking - Not much is said about the Kabriolet, their favorite means of transportation. Was there a story behind this car?

    1. Hello. There was some discussion about the car in the "Commercials from Patmat film" post and comments.

  4. Hey Marin, in your Pat & Mat Karty post you mentioned that the Czech National Film Archive acquired the episode in 2012 after aiF's liquidation ended. I e-mailed them about the topic and after some time they responded, claiming that they did not have the film anywhere in their archives I'm baffled since they still should have the episode, unless Pat & Mat Studio strong armed them from releasing the episode or even mentioning their possession of it. Or maybe, indeed Animation People CZ owns the only copy of the episode's original cut. Either way I'm clueless on what to do, but decided to let you know about this.

    1. Thanks for notifying me. It is strange indeed. I doubt Patmat cares about it that much, it's more likely still somewhere at Animation People.

    2. What about Annecy 1999, could there be a copy made for the event somewhere out there? Well, probably most likely not and I'm really starting to doubt that the original cut can be found. Especially that the "Lost Media Community" doesn't care for it and only spread misinformation about it.

    3. You mean this article?;_1998)

      I wrote it myself

    4. Hey Marin. So in Dan CZ's Discord Sever. Parkinski27 stated that he's still in Contact with the National Film Archive agent. After he mentioned that the NFA acquired the episode in 2012,they started being more interested in the story of Karty. They Asked him on who published the Film, which he replied with by telling the whole story about Karty and the bankruptcy of AiF. He's still waiting for a response at the Moment. he doesn't promise anything, but there still might be a chance about them releasing the episode.

    5. I think the most important thing first is for them to figure out whether they even have it.

    6. I'm still waiting for a response, I'm hoping to possibly get one Monday or later and if everything goes as I plan then if it's confirmed that they have it I'll ask whether it's possible for it to get released publicly. After hopefully being able to negotiate access to a digital copy I would upload it on YouTube as soon as possible and notify everyone. Maybe I'm being too ambitious early on, but let's try to be optimistic (Also I finally made a blogger account.)

    7. It's good to be ambitious, but I feel it would be respectful if you kept your communication with the NFA private until you reach some sort of conclusion. Publishing emails is not really in keeping with netiquette standards, you know.

    8. I'm not really keen on giving out my conversation with the NFA agent, the only reason I uploaded that one answer from them on Discord is that I though they didn't have it and it was the end of the search, and thought I might as well give the rest in the chat some evidence. Though I guess now that there still might be hope I'll keep it private and end the conversation when I hopefully get the original cut of Karty.

  5. @Rakso98 I didn't mean you or the article, but the other people from the lost media wiki who don't care about Pat & Mat and didn't even bother with a slight bit of research after "finding" the Korean VHS version of Pat & Mat Karty, and just blindly assumed that it was forever lost.

  6. I finally got a response from the NFA, here's what they wrote: "Good afternoon,
    unfortunately I still do not have all the necessary information for you. I checked it, but, as I expected, these movie is only deposited in the Národní filmový archiv, not as part of our collection. The Národní filmový archiv was not designated as distributor or rights holder of these movie. I check the details of the current status of rights with a lawyer. I would also like these movie to be accessible.
    Thank you for your patience and your interest in Czech animation."
    Well it seems that the NFA cannot release Pat & Mat Karty publicly, so if you ever hope of finding the original cut of the episode you're at the mercy of Animation People CZ.

    1. Thanks, this is similar to a response I once got from them. It just seems to be too much of a wrangle to deal with. When it comes to this film, NFA seems to be just the holder of the physical material, not any rights. This is also the case with aiF episodes 36-49 and Kutaci. They keep the negatives of the aforementioned episodes, but have no rights to them.

    2. But didn't Ateliéry Bonton Zlín and Patmat film also loose the rights to the episode? So is it just in legal limbo forever or will it eventually become public domain?

    3. Obviously not. ABZ never owned it and Patmat didn't exist before the 2000s. I don't know when it will enter the public domain - probably when the rights to characters expire.

    4. Hey Marin, I was looking through the archives of the old Korean Pat & Mat and LGkid websites, they both had online shop sections. Besides having the VHS that Karty was on for sale, the LGkid shop also had three Pat & Mat T-shirts designs A,B,C. The images for A and C were archived on the website however B was not. Then I look them up on google and there were other Korean online auction sites still selling them, one had an image of all three and you won't believe this but the missing design B had artwork based on a scene from Karty (the one where Pat & Mat hide behind a closet from the fly with flowers on their heads). It's pretty surprising that Karty got Pat & Mat merchandise based on it. Here's the image:

    5. To me, the designs look like they were made according to posters, publicity images for the series, not actual scenes.

    6. Also, I accidentally found out that there's an official render of Pat & Mat sitting in chairs smoking cigars and drinking wine with banknotes on the floor.

    7. Yes, it's part of a large series of promo images made circa 2004 at Patmat, arranged by Jan Smrčka.

    8. I know this is unrelated but me, Mateush Studios and some other members of the Pat & Mat Discords thought it would be interesting if you dedicated your next blog post on ajetology about the Arabic dubs of Pat & Mat. These are lesser known pieces of Pat & Mat media and we thought you could possibly be interested in the topic as I've shown you it before and made a video about it and uploaded all the episodes I could find although not all. I do understand that this is your blog and you are busy, not being able to make posts too often or really have taken topic requests but it would be interesting to see what you think of it and since you have a pretty international audience there maybe someone who has more information about the topic as we still lack a lot information about these dubs. Anyway it's up to you, if you aren't interested then we understand it's your choice but I think it's still important to ask you and see what the outcome is.

    9. Thanks for the suggestion, but I already know what my next post will be about and it's something much more interesting. ;)

    10. I just found out that alongside the Hong Kong Pat & Mat VCDs from aiF Asia, Pat & Mat was also released in China under the title "大 笨蛋 与 小 傻瓜" which from what I can get roughly translates to "Big fool and little fool". I don't know whether these VCDs were released in Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macau but judging off the fact that the title is in Simplified Chinese I would say Mainland China or Taiwan. If so, this would predate Patmat Film and Bonton's attempt at bringing the series to China and the eventual beginning of production there by several years. Here are some images I dug out:

    11. The drawings are indeed unusual, but the slogan ("Wow! We did it!") and photos on the second batch would suggest that these were done by aiF.

  7. I found incomplete dialogues from English and Korean dub for episode 57


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