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May 23, 2020

Review: Pat a Mat kutí (Part II)

This post continues my review of individual episodes from the Pat a Mat kutí series. For more on the series as a whole and previous episodes, visit Part I here.

Before I go on, I know there are readers of this blog who would much prefer to read about the old episodes and the history of the series. Don't worry and stay tuned because some very interesting (even exclusive) stuff is on the way...

8. Barbecue
animated in China

I'm not particularly pleased with the three 2020 episodes which were animated in China (8, 10 and 12 on this list). For me, they are mostly average episodes on the whole with some funny moments scattered around. Their pacing is often sluggish and things happen too slowly. It's interesting then that the studio has reedited (or is in the process of doing so) the 39 8-minute new episodes into 5-minute ones for some TV markets. I've only seen Sauna from the Winter series in that format and the result was promising. Do this to some of these episodes (even speed up the animation in some scenes) and I feel they will come out better.

A friend told me this episode reminded him of Grill, but I think it has much more to do with 2003's Opékají špekáčky, with the ending practically being the same. In any case, it's at least easy to identify with Pat and Mat and their barbecue fails in this episode.

9. Potrubní pošta / Tube Post
animated by Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly (interior scenes) & Jan Smrčka (exterior scenes)

I LOVE this episode! When it premiered on YouTube, I watched it and then immediately had to watch it two more times, which didn't happen with other episodes from this series. It's probably my favorite episode from the past decade. In one of my posts, I wrote how viewers looking for a nostalgia trip will rarely find it in these newest episodes. That is definitely not the case here as this episode hits all the right buttons and it's a great one for fans of the original show. There are even appearances of two old friends in the form of props - the original drill from 1976 (how cool is that!) and a jug that appeared in 1980s countryside episodes such as Zahrádka. Experts will recognize some younger props as well, like the green vacuum cleaner which appeared in Patmat's first episode, Puzzle, back in 2002.

Nevertheless, it's not only nostalgia that makes this episode great: it is not the funniest of the episodes, but it never loses focus and feels inspired - I can imagine Marek Beneš, who also wrote it, looking at a tube post system or hearing about it and thinking - this would make a good episode. It shows that the two don't always have to be hilarious to be charming. The pacing is very good and consistent throughout, while the animation is splendid and the animator casting makes the best use of the two animators. This is a great resource for comparing their different styles, which I'll write about in the future. The episode is also very expansive as it takes place on six different sets (the houses and five indoor sets), with the attic rooms appearing for the first time, which adds to the dynamic. All in all, a very pleasant episode with a great atmosphere.

10. Výroba ledu / Ice Making
animated in China
This episode had an okay story overall, amusing with a couple of funny gags, but visually it was definitely not up to scratch. The animation was especially disappointing, even more so after the gorgeous previous episode, while I also thought some gags didn't visually translate well. The biggest problem is the rigidness of animation in several scenes that are not on even on "twos". A frequent commentator on the blog told me that this was the first episode where he was really disappointed by the animation. The biggest culprit is the scene at 0:50, with Pat spinning and falling out of his hammock. The sense is almost like every other frame is missing in a scene whose whole point is physicality and where more, not less work should have been done.

We know the Chinese studio was already late before, so I presume they had to finish these episodes quickly and had less time to complete them, meaning they also produced less "moves". Other really noticeably low-grade scenes are 2:00 (the pool filling up), 4:40 (Mat going to the computer), 6:10 (Mat pushing Pat away). I can only imagine the Czech team begrudgingly accepted these scenes for lack of an alternative. There was even a glaring digital error I already discussed. For a more passable error, Mat suddenly disappears in the last frame of this shot, a bit similar to how I feel about this episode.

11. Pizza
animated by Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly

This is an enjoyable episode that I find conceptually similar to Palačinky, so it was no surprise it was written by the same daughter-father duo. After some time, I think I like this one better: on the whole, it's entertaining and has several funny moments. This episode was inspired by a friend of the blog, Oskar (Rakso), who sent the studio his script for Pizza back in 2018. Even though it was almost completely different from the produced episode, some kind of acknowledgement would have still been nice. At that time, the following episodes were also being considered, but were never produced in the end: Chopsticks, Wish Balloons, 3D TV, Segway, Solarium, Tulips. Interestingly, all of these are non-food related and, who knows, maybe we'll see them in the future. I also hope this is not the last we see of Mensdorff-Pouilly's unique style on this series. Building a brick pizza oven in your living room? That's taking a leaf straight out of Grill's book. I noticed that Grill is one of the episodes people remember the most, so harkening back to it is probably a deliberate move. I liked the scenes where the oven catches fire for their unique lighting where, as the fire engulfs the room, more and more flicker is applied. 

The briquette plot twist was an unexpected development and I found it especially intriguing from the audience's point of view. If you are a child (and we know they are the primary viewership), you probably won't understand the joke if you a) can't read English or Czech and b) don't know what briquettes are. As for the props, I was surprised that the rediscovered pizza looked quite artificial when compared to our heroes' home-made pizza, which looked gorgeous.

12. Chleba / Bread
animated in China

Of the episodes that dealt specifically with food production, I liked this one the least. It just didn't gel enough and I feel it could have been better. The scenes I liked most were in the middle part, where Pat climbs on a rolling pin standing on a door standing on a table (fun even to write), but the comedy effect was again lessened by substandard animation. There is a more noticeable continuity error present here, as Pat and Mat suddenly have aprons in the scene at 1:40, then the aprons disappear and Pat only brings them out a minute later. Whoever thought the page down below was in Czech language was not paying attention as it looks like some alien script. I can make out a few Czech words, though, so the text must have been corrupted some way.

The way this episode ends makes me think whether it could have been combined with Nábytek from last year into a really packed episode. I can even see the previously described scenes as a starting point - the two are out of bread, try to make some, break all the furniture and you let it go from there...

13. Garážová vrata / Garage Door
animated by Jan Smrčka

Usually, I would have no qualms about liking this episode. The pacing is really solid, with sharp timing on some scenes (hitting the tire, for example), the animation interesting, there is nice interaction between the two (Mat first has to find his beanie, then help Pat) and you can sense the attention that's been put into it. For instance, when Mat is seen reading a newspaper, he is actually reading a 1933 issue of Lidové noviny (a similar page can be found here). However, I find the episode a tad too derivate.

When the episode list came out, I thought this one will have most in common with 1992's Vrata, which was on the same subject, a garage door. In the end, the slow deconstruction of the car has more to do with 1979's Garáž, where the two destroy the original car in the same fashion. So, put the two together and you literally get Garážová vrata. I found myself thinking "I've seen this before". It's a fine line to walk when making scripts for new episodes. Some people might find no issue, others might be more annoyed than I was. Marek Beneš has stated that finding ideas for new episodes had become really tough, so it's not surprising that inspiration has also been searched for in the classics.

All in all, it's exciting to live in a time where new Pat & Mat episodes are still being made. I'd like to see more, but if the episode count was lowered for all the reasons you can find in my reviews. Still, even in a 39-episode 2-year rush a pearl or two like Potrubní pošta will be made and that makes me happy.

What are you thoughts on some - or all - of the episodes? Was I completely wrong about some of them? I'd like to hear your opinions as well.


  1. All episodes from 2018 are very different, there are brilliant and extremely weak, but this season was the best of the last 3.I agree that Tube Post is great, just very old-fashioned.

  2. What are your favorites and episodes you consider weak from that series? My favorite is Krtek and my least favorite is probably Kamera.

  3. Maybe you have a link to the five-minute episode "Sauna" ?

    1. Here it is:

  4. The episode's name is "Pečou Chleba" which means something like "The Baking Of Bread", not "Chleba" which means "of bread"

    1. No. That's the episode's title on the studio's website. The title card reads just "Chleba".

    2. That was also weird to me as I expected the word to be just "chleb" (analogous to "hljeb" in Croatian). It turns out that both "chleba" and "chléb" exist, but the latter is formal.

  5. Did you know that Bonton channel is back on youtube?

    1. Yes, I wrote about that under another post. They are currently uploading copies of ... a je to! from the early 2000s Czech DVDs, which is a real shame as better copies exist.

  6. An anonymous user wanted to share a link to the series on a torrent site. I understand why, to help the fans see the episodes. However, that's - plain and simple - illegal, so it's not suitable for the blog, sorry. It's different when we share some things unavailable otherwise, but all the episodes can be found on YouTube already, either on the official channel, or on other channels in regions where episodes are not available. I'm sure most people can find them if they try.

  7. The two episodes that I enjoyed the most were Garažova Vrata and Potrubni Pošta. They delivered the best experience and also had in my opinion the best OST of this season. Garažova Vrata left me shocked especially with that dark ending of them getting locked in the garage, something that we are not that used to see in the newer seasons. The two episodes that I disliked were Letajici Stroj and Fotopast. I don't hate them, they are just boring. They didn't deliver that Pat & Mat feeling. I will definetly rewatch all of these new episodes (especialy Garažova Vrata and Potrubni Pošta) and even the two episodes that I disliked as they seem a direct improvement over the two previous seasons. Geez after two crashes I finally made it to the end of this comment. Phew.

    1. Favorites Na venkově and Kutí, They are the season 7, 10 of masterpieces of the pat & mat series.

  8. I'm glad to see an elaboration on the mistakes on the Ice Making episode. Indeed, the framerate on some shots is just plain poor. Also, on the note of the gibberish text in the cookbook in one episode, it reminded me of an episode of the Donkey Kong Country cartoon (Bad Hair Day was the episode I believe?), where a spellbook had nonsense lines of text as opposed to actual words, haha.

    1. Indy, now that all the episodes are out, what are your favorites and your view of the series in general?

    2. This series was a mixed bag in my eyes. One of my main gripes is inconsistent pacing between episodes, which given different people animating I can understand, but still. A lot of the humor isn't here, either, being a bit more tedious (the barbecue and furniture ones in particular) or the wackiness feels lifeless (flying machine). One last nitpick I have is that the sets just don't feel as fresh as they did when they were used for episodes like the lawn mower or the dishwasher. Perhaps it's the lighting, who knows, but I don't feel the comfortably new and convenient feeling of the household in the 2018 episodes. Those still feel new even today! Even so, this series isn't a total loss. Tube Post, Harvest, Popcorn, Pizza, and even Ice Making (despite its sometimes poor animation) are the best in my opinion, as they feel fun, and sometimes adhere to the constant failure formula of the past. Pizza's twist as well as the efforts they go to to make their meal were satisfying to see (and the pizza was gorgeous!). Harvest had some funny gags such as when Mat tries to balance all the crates and steps on stuff, or when they try tossing apples into said crates but break the windows, and even better the lighting was to my taste. Ice Making's conclusion was very nice, there's something satisfying to see the duo have a ton of ice (I get hot often so seeing something literally cool pleases me). I agree with your points on Tube Post and Popcorn, so nothing new to add other than the lighting, like Harvest,was better and made the episodes feel more positive and alive.

    3. Thanks for the detailed response. It's nice to hear someone else's opinion and confirm that my reviews were mostly balanced well. As for the sets, I would agree, which is why I was thrilled when I first saw two new "rooms" in Tube Post. The houses somehow seem a bit mundane to me - they are different from one another, yet too similar (no wonder the Chinese animators sometime got confused as to who lived where) and they lack distinctive features.

  9. The gibberish text in the cookbook is quite deliberate. When animated programmes are being made for international audiences, producers try to avoid as much as possible using text from one language, as it won't be understood by most international audiences. As a convention, text is usually turned into gibberish so an audience understands that they're not meant to read it - it's just there to represent "words". The problem happens when the article featuring the gibberish text (such as a cookbook) is featured too clearly in a shot - the audience assumes that the text must be important and so is frustrated that it doesn't make sense. I think the mistake they might make in Pat & Mat is to mix some readable words (in Czech) with gibberish - if they're going to do it, it should all be gibberish. How to deal with text in programmes that are meant to be understood universally has always been a challenge - producers usually try and avoid on-screen text as much as possible.

    1. I think this is actually the first instance where gibberish text can be seen in the series, as the parent studio usually doesn't mind using Czech (or English here and there) even for small details that can't be caught on normal-speed viewing, like the briquettes I mentioned above, which have a further description in Czech. Also, the cookbook has a cover in English (with, it should be said, a redundant article - "Baking the Bread") and the page to the left is in Czech, so I presume the page we discuss got corrupted in some way and there just wasn't enough time to fix the issue.

  10. In my opinion the use of text in the Pat & Mat series as a whole was never that important, as the words were used merely as details. Many props and objects (for example milk cartons, flour bags, drinks,...) already had pictures, that showed the audience, for example, what was in the container or bag. I don't think these words on the right side were intentional as you have already mentioned beacuse if we look at the left side, the text is properly aligned and it's written in latin alphabet. If they would change both sides it would be understandable but now is in a way just confusing. So I agree with you that it might be a corruption or something similar.

  11. i'm still waiting for the exclusive stuff...

    1. Well, patience is a virtue. I am still too busy to post here (mostly with exams), but, hopefull, something will get rolling at the end of the month.

  12. For everyone who's interested in the 5 minute episodes: I've made 5 minute versions of the Znovu v Akci and Zimni Radovanky/Winter Fun movies. See:

    1. Where did you get the linking sequences for Iglu, Pernikova chaloupka and Bramborovy salat? These were not in the Czech version of the movie.

    2. I took them from the Korean version of the movie. (I used the Pat & Mat logo to cover up the Korean episode titles.)

    3. I've uploaded all 5 minute episodes separately (as they were intended), including the ones that weren't in the movies, because they're not easily accessible otherwise. Download links are in the descriptions, because they kept being thrown off Youtube for copyright reasons. I don't know if there are or will be 5 minute versions of the Kuti series.

      My 2 cents: while some episodes really benefit from the new format, others look like more of a 'summary' than a complete episode, but if you haven't seen the 8 minute ones, you might not notice. The music is really messed-up though.

    4. I'd just like to confirm: these are the official 5-minute edits, not your own versions, right?

    5. That's correct, which means that the glitch in the music at the start of Krtek was already there ;-).

    6. I watched a third or so of random 5-minute episodes and the results are mixed. As I suspected, the more I like the original 8-minute episode, the more I am bothered by changes. Krtek, in my opinion, suffers quite a lot, but I liked Novoroční přání, for instance, more in the shortened version. The shortened version still didn't make me care for Dárky, though. Overall, there are some interesting editing choices which would never have appeared in the normal episodes. However, the music editing really is atrocious and ruins the experience in many scenes. Even some sound effects are off-sync here and there.

  13. For some reason the ending to Pizza reminds me of Modelari.

  14. Brikety uchovejte na suchém a dobre vetranem miste. Nerozpalujte ohen pomoci benzinu nebo tekutin na bázi alkoholu. Ohniste kamen doporucujeme pinit jen do poloviny vysky. Doporucujeme brikety delit na mensi casti.

    In English : Store briquettes in a dry and well-ventilated place. Do not ignite a fire with gasoline or alcohol-based liquids. We recommend pinching the stove only halfway up. We recommend dividing the briquettes into smaller parts.

    In Hungarian: A brikettet száraz és jól szellőző helyen tárolja. Ne gyújtson tüzet benzinnel vagy alkohol alapú folyadékkal. Javasoljuk, hogy a tűzhelyet csak félig csípje meg. Javasoljuk, hogy a brikettet kisebb részekre ossza.


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