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July 15, 2020

New sequence... from aiF!

Without further ado, please take a look at this:

What was that?! Well, I wouldn't know - I didn't know this short film even existed until today!

First of all, I have to give out a huge thank you to 이은석 (Eunsuk Lee - please correct your name if I butchered it), who uploaded this clip. You may have heard of him already - he also gave the world a chance to see Karty in 2014. This clip comes from the very same VHS that features Playing Cards as well. The dubbing is not by David Nykl (and Peter Alton) this time - Korean dubbers perform the voices this time, being as awkward and uninspired as on the dubs for the 49 episodes issued by aiF Asia. Here's an edited version by Rakso which removes the voices and subtitles as best as it can, giving a better aproximation of what the film should sound like (definitely not what it should look like - the interlacing and overall feel of the VHS tape ruining the animation quite a bit):

I think it's obvious that this segment was produced around the same time as Karty. To me, it looks like a trailer of sorts, maybe for the announced 52-episodes series. It could also be the opening of Karty, but I don't think that's the case as the segment is over a minute long, though the abrupt cut at the end does leave me pondering the possibility. While this short film shares many traits with Karty, I think an interesting difference between them is the really rapid pacing. Of course, the format dictates fast action, but everything seems to play out faster than I expect it to. Update August 17: From the most reliable of sources, the director himself, I have learned that this sequence was indeed intended to be the opening sequence of the 12-minute version of Karty.
Let's look at the sequence more closely. Interestingly, it seems that Pat and Mat have moved again in this never-made iteration of the series, perhaps into a typical Czech panelák. They live in different flats, but on the same floor. It's really interesting that the problem they face at the opening is the same one they face in my favorite new episode, Potrubní pošta (Tube Post) - it's a flashback from the future!

The solution is quite different, though, and the two come to it with both (a first) of their caps flying into air. The cap flying action, which I quite like, was in the original series used only (and probably invented) by Jan Klos and until 1998 repeated only once, at the end of Dlaždice, so it was a surprise to see it here. Maybe it's subtle advice that František Váša, who also animated Dlaždice, received from his mentor - Váša started out in animation as Klos' assistant on Břetislav Pojar's The Flying Sneakers. In any case, Váša animates all of the scenes here - just compare the handshake scene with the one from 1994's Trezor - same posing, same movements. Váša's Pat and Mat did seem to become looser and looser as time went by, moving ever more elaborately.

We also have an appearance of tiny Pat and Mat figurines. I have seen them before already - in one of the more bizarre promotional photos for various VHSs and DVDs from aiF, where Pat and Mat play chess with figures of their own selves. Unfortunately, I can only offer a low-res image of the photo in question - it's in the upper left of this back cover of a Pat and Mat video game from South Korea. I think the mere existence of this game tells you just how big the two characters were there back then. For good measure, I am also including a photo of a set of Korean DVDs with merchandise, which includes sets of different figurines. I have found these photos on Korean sites some years ago.

Rakso nicely spotted how the whole bit about cutting a hole in the wall is lifted (or at least inspired by) a Mr. Bean episode from 1994 aptly titled Do-It-Yourself Mr. Bean. See for yourself from 17:00 onwards. I loved Mr. Bean when I was a kid, I should probably rewatch it sometime...

Is there more even animation from the aiF days? I don't know, but if there indeed is, I presume it is even shorter than this - when could have more been made? Hopefully, the director himself, who was there until the bitter end (August 1998) will tell us in the future. I had a brief e-mail chat with Mr Váša a couple of weeks ago (thanks to reader Dan cz for his help with that!) and can proudly say he very much enjoyed taking a look at this blog. He told me that, in fact, he originally envisioned Karty as a classic silent 8-minute episode. Eventually, his colleagues convinced him that due to potential sales of the series to the USA, it was necessary to create a longer, 12-minute dubbed version (that's where I got the name of Peter Alton) and this meant incorporating new scenes - set in the cellar. So, even though we still have much to learn about this short film, at least we know a bit more about Karty! And if this trailer(?)/commercial(?)/intro(?) was his final work with the characters, it wasn't a bad way to bow out.

That does it!


  1. This mini-episode gives us some light on what this planned 52 episode series was supposed to be like, which I find very cool. I'm also quite interested in the Pat & Mat game that you briefly mention, video games based on the franchise have been pretty niche. With only a Pat & Mat java phone game being released sometime in the early 2000s along with the infamous Pat & Mat the game that released on PC in 2009 and was shortly abandoned.

  2. WOW!! I'm quite amazed to see this! Schlocky voices aside, the action is very fluid and I love the little hallway where their rooms are located, has a nice retro feel to it.
    I'm also even more amazed our heroes had another video game other than their 2009 outing and a mobile phone game (the former I've played--it's alright I suppose). South Korea was crazy for those kutils (or kutily, if that's how Czech plurals go) even more than I thought! Perhaps a neat idea for a future post would be covering Pat & Mat's popularity in South Korea? I've found
    some crazy merch, such as seemingly storybooks based on episodes, using what looks like drawings of stills from the episodes
    as illustrations!

    1. It would be quite difficult to write that post as all I know are things I've seen online, but maybe fans from Korea can give us some more insights. Yeah, the quantity and variety of merchandise were definitely enormous. The weirdest thing I could find was this show with "roundy" Pat and "longy" Mat, two people in Pat & Mat costumes. The two almost don't do anything special throughout and I presume their inclusion was there just to boost sales (or the other way around) - the purpose was obviously EFL teaching. They somehow manage to mess up Pat's cap half the time. Anyway, here it is: While replying to you, I looked at the second VHS better and noticed that it features the characters more prominently - there are also newly animated CGI segments!

    2. I've seen the costumes before, haha, they are something indeed. I got quite a laugh out of costume Pat complaining about bread (seen at 11:08)! I also saw the CGI segments, they're definitely some of the worse animations I've seen. While most low-budget CGI can at the very least provide me with some pleasure (I'm a huge fan of retro graphics/aesthetic), this one with its improper Pat & Mat hats and lack of action really isn't great.

  3. WOAH! This was unexpected. Firt the entirity of Karty, then the AIF 1999 DVD and now this. I wonder what else will eventually resurface.

  4. Pat & Mat the game got taken off Steam today just after I mentioned it in my yesterday's post, strange.

  5. I think the DVD that had Karty and this short is probably this one: (This is a Naver Cafe post about selling the DVD.)

    The title for the DVD is "English Top 7 See & Talk. As you can see, they a production image of Karty in the cover so it comfirms that this is the one that had Karty.

    You can find more details on the DVD on this website:

    According to the website, the first DVD (the package has 6 DVDs total.) has Playing Cards, and the second DVD has a NEW PAT & MAT episode. (which is most likely the short.)

    1. replacing the first link to this one instead since I found that the link doesn't work for somewhat reason:

    2. Karty on DVD? Now, that's an interesting prospect! I have searched through Korean pages advertising P&M DVDs, but never found one with Karty. Are you sure what you sent me is really a DVD, not a VHS? Google translate it as "Product composition: Videotape 6 PCs". Obviously, I don't know any Korean, so it could be a mistake.

    3. The release window when this DVD would've been released checks out. Considering aiF Asia/Elite released their VHS compilation later on DVD probably means there's a higher quality version of Karty and this short on those discs.

    4. I think this person just meant to say VHS, not DVD

  6. This was just like the spanish inquisition - I didn't expect it. I expected anything but not this. But there is one difference between the spanish inquisition and this Pat & Mat short clip - spanish inquisition is unpleasant, but this clip not. I was absolutely overwhelmed. I enjoyed this clip. There is one proverb in Czech Republic which says "The amount of taste increases with the amount of food" and I'm pretty hungry to see another clip like this. Thank you both for this.

  7. 0:59 - Picture of Mat on the aiF 1999 DVD found and clarified.

  8. Here's footage of the Pat & Mat video game mentioned in the post if anyone is interested

    1. It's just an ordinary, bland platform game. Not a single reason for Pat or Mat to be present except merchandising.

    2. I mean its alright for a first game, though they could've at least bothered to include some of the music from the series.

    3. Honestly, if they changed the graphics to be a bit more construction/mechanical themed and used maybe like robot enemies made from household stuff, the game would have more appeal. Still, I think the Pat/Mat sprites are well done and I think that the game, while not a mind-blower, certainly has some charm despite its reskin nature.

  9. I found out that the game is actually a reskin of another Korean game that I have never heard of (it was released only in Korea and the publisher (developer) is Siria entertainment about which google found nothing for me)

    1. I looked up their company name and was able to find a Moby Games page on them I also looked up Digital Dream Studios who was mention on the game's packaging and found a database page on them too somewhat surprisingly. Siria seems to be a more obscure developer publishing PC games in the late 90s-early 2000s in South Korea and Taiwan with their earliest know game released in 1997, also going by the alias or having a division called Lonai Software. This Pat & Mat game seems to reuse a lot of assets from their other games such as the Bubble Hero trilogy (a clone of the Bubble Bobble games) as one of the Dragon characters can be seen as an enemy in level one. Meanwhile DDS was more well known with their release of Secret of empire in also 1997, they also helped EA develope Tiger Woods Golf 2000 for the PS1 and helped coproduce the anime Run-Dim in 2001 thats how much information I was able to find, though none of the pages mention this Pat & Mat game however it is pretty clear DDS had some kind of involvement in its development.

    2. I found out about its reskin nature as well when I looked up the game after seeing this post lol. It makes me wonder if any more licenses were slapped onto the original game and sold as another product...

    3. Its possible that Siria could've used this one platformer game engine to make more variant/reskin games simular to what other similar game developers like Sintax are accustomed of doing.

    4. I found this game that is very similar to the game with Pat & Mat.

    5. Its the same game with some minor differences as expected but instead of Pat & Mat, you play as a generic caveman.

  10. Update: from the most reliable of sources, the director himself, I have learned that this sequence was indeed intended to be the opening sequence of the 12-minute version of Karty, so that has been amended.

    1. Could you please provide the email address of Mr. Frantisek Vasa - I would like to ask him a few things

    2. No, sorry. Publishing anyone's private contact out in the open is not something I will do.

    3. If you do have some questions, you can always post them here and we will see.

    4. that's my first question -Have there been more "mini-episodes" and "episodes" in the unknown and mysterious fifth season of Pat and Mat, or are there any undiscovered episodes of the Pat and Mat series?

    5. No, there aren't, nothing else was filmed, can confirm.

  11. Is it perhaps known if the subtitles are on the VHS or if they were added later (after the video tape was digitised but before it went on youtube)?

    1. The subtitles are on the oryginal VHS.

  12. The floor with the square pattern is from Jája a Pája from Krkovička's general store (here for comparison: or

  13. That figurines are not Korean, its Czech. I have them. The Korean its different (and yeah, my figurines its in the same colours)


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